April 15, 2009

Sam Zell On Tribune Purchase: "I Made A Mistake"

If the Chicago Tribune is a virus, owner Sam Zell exposed the venerable newspaper to that risk. No doubt about it, Yosemite Sam is the poster boy for irresponsible newspaper owners. As a fellow Huffington Post poster noted, dailies have been regarded as nearly nothing more than piggy banks.

So, many owners took them for granted, ignoring technological advances -- until it was almost too late. Those owners include founders of once great newspapers, who didn't recognize changes in journalistic tools and appetites. Some of their heirs didn't want to deal and sold out. So, billionaires with no news judgment gobbled them up.

And offering news wasn't there intent. Fashioning glorified newsletters is the goal.
About Newspapers
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Made my way here via BlogUpp, wondered if I could ask several questions. Am new (2 days ago). Since joining the format has changed, now it's scrolling-flashing-rolling. I really preferred (older eyes generally do), something that doesn't move. I like the muse over better. Do you know if there's a way to change it back? I'm asking you, because I can't find a place to ask question on their webpage; and trying to tweet about it isn't possible...not enough space.

Also wondered, is there a way we know people have made it to our blogs as a result of BlogUpp? Had I not mentioned here, would you know? Trying to learn how this all works. Wondering how I know when, where, or how often my banner is showing?

Thanks, have a good wkend.