April 12, 2009

Kid Reporter Damon Weaver To Make <i>20/20</i> Appearance, Still Looking For That Obama Interview

It seems some African-American children are damned if they do or don't succeed. Damon Weaver and his brother are both aspiring to be more than gangbangers. But some fellow HuffPost posters aren't satisfied. Even though Damon's trying to break cycle and resist stereotypes, he's got alleged adults stressing to remember his place.

I can't deny that he's immature. Watching him interview his friend was hard. Damon needed to show more compassion. But then, some more "seasoned" journalists could use that reminder. So, yes, I must agree he's immature. Here's a news flash: Damon is 10-years-old.

All this attitude about his behavior seems to be "colored" by something. Yes, Damon does need to grow up. However, so do some of the posters.
About Barack Obama
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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