January 21, 2009

Tunnel vision

Hopes of witnessing history inspired my yearning to be in Washington D.C. Unfortunately, I witnessed nothing but a travesty (on a small scale). The tickets secured from U.S. Rep. Don Manzullo's office were purple. They would have afforded a pretty good place to stand. I arrived at the gate at 6 a.m., figuring on standing for three hours before getting in the gate.

However, I joined thousands of people from around the country in a street tunnel. Emergency vehicles sped past us, while we waited and waited and waited. My wait lasted five hours, while others waited nearly seven hours.

After emerging from the tunnel, the entire group headed to the gate. We would discover the gate was closed, making our purple tickets useless. And there were no officials to be found. The disappointment of seeing no history being made will stay with me.
But it does not diminish the momentous occasion.

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