January 23, 2009

Consolation prizes

There are reports that people -- like me -- kept waiting for hours in a tunnel (and forced to miss seeing history made) are slated to receive consolation gifts. The Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies will apparently give those slighted and humiliated copies of the invitation, program and a print. Well, isn't that special? OK, so I didn't have a print before.

Let me tell you what I did have before -- self-respect and some respect from colleagues and friends. After failing to deliver coverage on the inauguration, that's been shot. So, these consolation prizes really do nothing more than pour salt in a wound. It's just a reminder of what I missed. And I doubt that they'll restore the tattered remains of my dignity.

Yes, circumstances out of my control led to my broken promise. However, it's still my fault. So, please forgive me for failing to deliver.

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