January 19, 2009

One long ride

It's been nearly 20 years since I spent so much time on a bus. So, spending more than 20 hours on a chartered bus proved somewhat difficult. Sitting still from Rockford to Mahomet and between a few other stops was hard. And the ability to sleep proved nearly impossible.
Giggling girls and non-stop movies made getting shut-eye a problem. I managed to deal with that in high school. Been there. Done that.

And that was how I spent Martin Luther KIng Jr. Day. Given our initial itinerary, heading to the Lincoln Memorial might have been possible. However, my one hour in D.C. Monday consisted of locating a Starbucks in order to get an Internet connection and rushing back to the Metro Centre. (No, not that Metro Centre.)

But here's the silver lining. I'm still going to see President-elect Barack Obama inaugurated from a good vantage point. After all, that's why I'm here. Tomorrow history and Obama's destiny will meet.


Nut said...

I know there are more libraries in the world but they are less crowded and often have open wifi access!

Nut said...

I am typing handicapped. I ment to say there are more starbucks than libraries. I'm a dufus.